She must now have been as impatient with the dumb American as I was embarrassed with my failure to understand her apparently simple statement. 维维安一定对我这个愚笨的美国人失去了耐心,而我也因听不懂她这个显然很简单的句子而倍觉难堪。
The opposite is true: PreparedStatement is recommended when a simple statement is executed many times with different values because the statement has to be compiled only once. 相反,如果要反复执行多次一条简单的语句,并且每次使用不同的值执行,建议使用PreparedStatement,因为语句只需编译一次。
This simple statement meant a lot for the agile movement; it opened the way for dialog about a diverse set of agile-related issues. 这个简单的陈述包含着敏捷运动的许多内容;它打开了与不同的敏捷相关问题集对话的方式。
Isn't it nice how I can check if the directory exists via a simple if statement? 如果我能通过一个简单的if语言检查目录是否已经存在,会不会更好一些?
As a result the function could be called as in the following simple SQL statement 最后,我们可以在下面这样简单的SQL语句中调用该函数
Database queries can become quite intense on their own, often pegging a CPU at100 percent for doing simple SELECT statement with reasonable size datasets. 数据库查询自身可以变得相当激烈,通常在对大小合理的数据集执行简单的SELECT语句时限定在100%的CPU。
We selected our database, named rss_agg and wrote a very simple SELECT statement to retrieve all records from the feeds table. 我们选择了数据库,命名为rssagg,并编写了一条十分简单的SELECT语句从feeds表中检索所有记录。
We resorted to using a simple switch statement in order to define the class value with more control. 我们使用一个简单的switch语句,以更强的控制能力定义class值。
It's a simple INSERT statement where the two values are escaped to account for any errant characters such as single quotes that might disturb the SQL syntax. 就是在简单的INSERT语句中,两个值被转义,以解决任何含义不确定的字符,比如说可能会扰乱SQL语法的单引号。
This simple statement deserves to be in the list of humor boosters to make the point that if you have a line, a quote, an anecdote or a story that is flat-out funny, use it. 这个简单的叙述,值得被标在幽默的催化剂的列表中,标记重点。如果你有个梗,一个引证,一段趣闻故事或令人捧腹大笑的故事,使用它。
Experiences differ so much from each other that it is difficult to reconcile them to a simple statement. 经验各异,很难用简单的一句话说明。
We use this simple statement to guide all of our decisions. 就是这样简单的语句影响着我们的决策。
A simple statement on your web page to encourage feedback can go a long way, but don't be discouraged by some of the remarks you will receive. 网站中一句简单的陈述可以帮助你获得长久的反馈信息,不要被那些批评意见所吓倒。
Please feel free to make a simple objective statement about your experience. 请随时与作一个简单的目标,声明你的经验。
As a result of this simple statement, I could infer a lot about his former wife. 根据这一简单叙述,我可以推断出许多关于他前妻的情况。
Because of the complexity of analyses often necessary for an in-depth evaluation of structural aeroelasticity, this article is intentionally kept to a simple statement. 为了深入评价结构的气动弹性力学特性,往往需要复杂的分析,所以特意将这一条局限于简单的说明。
The statement means either a simple statement terminated by a semicolon or a compound statement, which is a group of simple statements enclosed in braces. “语句”要么是用分号结尾的一个简单语句,要么是一个复合语句――封闭在括号内的一组简单语句。
It's a simple statement that you aren't dependent on the other person's choices. 这只是一句简单阐述话表明你没有依赖于别人的选择。
Besides the worthy pursuit of understanding the world around us, there is the simple statement that life is beautiful. 生活是美丽的,不论是现实,还是理想,都值得我们用一生去追求和体悟。
Using Flashback, the DBAs can restore a table or an entire database to a point in the past using a simple SQL statement with FLASHBACK keyword. 使用Flashback,DBA们可以恢复一个表或整个数据库到某一时间点(使用简单的带有FLASHBACK关键字的SQL语句)。
Add a simple statement about the company's environmental policy. 就公司环保政策加一段简短陈述。
Like conditionals, they allow a simple statement to proceed the expression that is being switched upon. 像条件语句一样,它允许一个简单的语句位于分支的表达式之前。
A statement that tells us about one thing is a simple statement. 凡是叙述一件事情的陈述句都是简单陈述句!
Association rule is a simple statement about the cooccurrence probability of some certain events in database. 关联规则是数据库中某些特定事件一起发生的概率的简单陈述。
Simple Statement of Craze and Manage Measures to Cross Bearing of Two-cycle Diesel Engine 低速二冲程柴油机十字头轴承的龟裂及管理措施
On the foundation of simple statement to microphysical principle of force-sensitive Z-elements presented first in this paper, it is advanced why and how to compensate temperature-drift of force-sensitive sensors based on Z-elements. 首次提出了Z元件的晶格扭应变与等效电阻的微观机理的观点,并在此基础上论述了基于Z元件的力传感器的温漂补偿的必要性和补偿原则及方法。
Simple statement what the relationship of flower plants with human health 浅谈花卉植物与人类健康
Based on the simple statement of Web of Science and its searching flowchart, the two approaches of achieving the citation index's function are introduced in this paper. 本文在简述引文索引数据库WEBOFSCIENCE检索流程的基础上,介绍了此数据库实现引文索引功能的两种途径。
Then the second part makes a simple statement on the present development situation computer network system and function enlargement of the contemporary campus network system; 然后在第二部分就计算机网络技术的发展现状以及现阶段校园网功能的拓展做了简单论述;
Finally, for teachers should be noted that in the process of classroom practice and teacher expectations and suggestions to make a simple statement, in order to provide as a reference to the vast number of art educators. 最后对于教师在课堂实践过程中应该注意的问题和对教师的期望和建议做出了简单陈述,借以提供给广大美术教育工作者作为参考。